Community Guidelines
Mineral Springs Plantation HOA aims to provide enough structure and regulation to maintain property values but not so much that it squelches individual owners’ enjoyment of their properties or creates tension between neighbors.
Mineral Springs Plantation HOA is governed by a 4-member Board of Directors elected from property owners in the community. Each Board member also serves as one of the four officers of the Association (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer). Board members/officers serve 2 year terms and two of the four Board members come up for re-election each year.
In addition to the Board and officer positions, volunteer committees assist in the governance of the HOA, specifically, the Architectural Control Committee, Technology Committee and the Welcoming/Social Committee.
Property owners in Mineral Springs Plantation HOA are required to comply with the requirements set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, Deed of Dedication and Covenants, Bylaws and rules and regulations adopted from time to time by the Board of Directors. These requirements include payment of nominal annual dues and maintaining your property according to established guidelines. You can view these requirements below:
Those interested in building a custom home in Mineral Springs Plantation must comply with the architectural standards of the community, available below. In general, homes must be constructed in a Colonial style. Homeowners are welcome to use any builder of their choosing, although the builder must be reputable and in stable financial condition.